About The Campaign

A Campaign Against Genocide

On November of each year Sikhs (Sikh Quom) around the world reach out and embrace the vision that all humans should live a safe and happy life. The Blood Donation Campaign led by the Sikhs represent a look to the past and a view to the future, coming together as humans around the world. In 1984, the Sikhs across India were the victims of aggression and targets of unprecedented attacks on innocent civilians. As a tribute to the events of 1984 and with the vision of bringing people together, the Sikhs started the Blood Donation Campaign in 1999.

The first blood donation clinics took place in the lower mainland of British Columbia, Canada and has now grown to include clinics across Canada, USA and other locations worldwide. The Sikh Blood Donation Campaign is the Largest Lives Saving campaign in Canada. The Blood Donation Campaign an effort to raise awareness of the events of 1984 and at the same time unite humanity. The Sikh Blood Donation Campaign expresses peace and invites people around the world to participate in this humanitarian campaign.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, one way British Columbian can support each other and do their part is by donating blood. Thanks to the Sikh Nation Blood Drive and Canadian Blood Services for working together on this important initiative.” – B.C. Premier, John Horgan

“With over 10,000 volunteers across the country, Sikh Nation is Canadian Blood Services’ largest contributor to our pledge-based Partners for Life (PFL) program. Sikh Nation blood and plasma donors are committed to supporting patients all year and many are regular donors. Outside of their annual donation campaign in November, Sikh Nation members donate approximately 200 units of lifesaving blood and plasma each month.” – CBS Key Massage Oct 2023